Application period open to the UEF-UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements 2015
发布日期: 2015年06月30日
The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are jointly organizing a high profile two-week course on international environmental law-making and diplomacy. The course will take place in Shanghai, China, from 2 to 12 November 2015.
The course will be organized in co-operation with the Law School of the Fudan University and the UNEP-Tongji University Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development.
Organized since 2004, the UEF-UNEP course on Multilateral Environmental agreements seeks to transfer past experience in the field of international environmental law-making and diplomacy to current and future negotiators of multilateral environmental agreements. The course also provides a forum to foster North-South cooperation and to take stock of developments related to MEA negotiations and implementation.
Course Programme
The 2015 course focuses on climate change.
Lectures will be given by experienced hands-on diplomats, government officials, international civil servants and members of the academia.
Confirmed speakers include Prof. Daniel Bodansky, Arizona State University, Elizabeth Mrema, Jian Liu and Sylvia Bankobeza from UNEP, Dr Harro van Asselt, Stockholm Environment Institute, as well as Prof. Kati Kulovesi and Dr Yulia Yamineva from the UEF Law School’s Centre for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law.
The course will cover a broad range of topics related to climate change and multilateral environmental agreements, from climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate finance and technology. A special emphasis will be given to the ongoing negotiations under the UN Framewrok Convention on Climate Change for a new climate agreement.
The course will also cover general issues relating to international environmental law-making and diplomacy will be dealt with. Interactive teaching methods will be used, including a two-day climate negotiation simulation and other negotiating exercises.
A more detailed draft programme will be available on the course website at the end of June 2015.
Eligibility and Applications
The course is intended for experienced government officials engaged in international environmental negotiations. Other stakeholders, such as representatives of the academia, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, are also eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications is 14 August 2015. The online application form and further information is available at: http://www.uef.fi/en/unep/application
Approximately 30 participants will be admitted, with balanced distribution of participants from the North and South, also taking into account gender balance. Participants having successfully completed the course will be awarded a Diploma.
Course Fee and Fellowships
The course fee is €1000. Participants are expected to cover their travel, accommodation and other expenses.
Candidates from developing countries and from countries with economies in transition may apply for a full or partial fellowship.
Funding for the course is provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Finnish Ministry of the Environment and UNEP. ?
Further information
Course website:
UEF Law School / Outi Manninen
PO. Box 111, FI 80101 Joensuu, Finland