2012年10月22日上午,我院孙笑侠院长和王志强副院长在江湾法学院楼会议室接待了美国杜兰大学法学院院长David D. Meyer教授、中国法暑期班项目负责人Joel W. Friedman教授和ShiehTsing Hsieh教授三人一行,出席接待的还有我院陈乃蔚教授和高凌云副教授。杜兰大学位于美国路易斯安娜州,因其独特的历史原因,其法学院兼收大陆法系与普通法系传统,并以比较法见长,号称美国“南方哈佛”。我院与杜兰大学法学院于2008年正式建立合作关系,之后双方学生交流项目进展顺利。此次会谈中双方院长表示要进一步拓宽合作领域,加强交流力度,优势互补,合作共赢。(高凌云)
Visit of the School of Law By A Delegation of Tulane Law School
Dean Xiaoxia Sun and Vice Dean Zhiqiang Wang had a meeting with a delegation of Tulane Law School in the morning of October 22, 2012 at the Law School Building. Visitors included Prof. David D. Meyer, Dean of Tulane Law School, Prof. Joel W. Friedman, the China Program Director, and Prof. ShiehTsing Hsieh. Prof. Naiwei Chen and LingyunGao were also present in the meeting. Tulane University is located in the State of Louisiana of the United States and somehow recognized as “Harvard in the South.” Due to unique historical reasons, the Tulane Law School has inherited both the civil law and common law traditions and has established reputation in the area of comparative law. A formal cooperative relationship has been established between Fudan University School of Law and Tulane Law School in 2008 and the students exchange program between the two law schools have been running well. During the meeting, both Deans agreed to further explore the potential areas of cooperation, expand the cooperation scope, and to take advantage of both law school’s strong academic positions to step up to a new stage. (LingyunGao)