
Juris Master Program

Fudan Law School’s Juris Master offers the insight and flexibility to help students to enhance their intercultural and interdisciplinary competence and gain a strategic understanding of the foundation of legal system. The program offers applied legal courses to strengthen the educational concept of legal practice through lecturing, discussion and case analysis, simulate trails, moot court etc. In addition, prestigious legal professionals working in the legislative, judicial and other legal-related fields will be invited to campus and deliver keynote speech on a regular basis. The program aims at creating a close-knit community of intelligent scholars and experienced legal practitioners who are working at the forefront of legal field to guide students with their knowledge, passion and profesisoanl experience. In addition, students are expected to develop their bilingual capacity and independent thinking skills in the program.

Address:2005, Song hu Road,Fudan University Law School, Shanghai, China
Tel:+86(21)31245607 +86(21)31245608 Fax:+86(21)31245601 Copyright:Fudan University Law School Contact:fxyzhb@fudan.edu.cn